
Our Services

Industry-leading, impartial and independent workplace investigations services.

We uncover the facts so you can solve workplace issues effectively.

Workplace Investigations

Major law firms, public sector organisations and private
businesses across a range of industries trust our team to
conduct expert investigations.

Workplace Culture Reviews

Discover which factors are likely to contribute to difficulties
within your team. We’ll carry out an objective review of your
organisational culture, and give you reliable information to
help you make decisions.

Investigations Training

Equip yourself and your employees with all the tools needed
to conduct thorough and fair workplace investigations
within your workplace.

Our Services

Industry-leading, impartial and independent.

We uncover the facts so you can solve workplace issues effectively.

Workplace Investigations

Major law firms, public sector organisations and private
businesses across a range of industries trust our team to
conduct expert investigations.

Workplace Culture Reviews

Discover which factors are likely to contribute to difficulties
within your team. We’ll carry out an objective review of your
organisational culture, and give you reliable information to
help you make decisions.

Investigations Training

Equip yourself and your employees with all the tools needed
to conduct thorough and fair workplace investigations
within your workplace.





Workplace Investigations:
Principles and Practice

Own the essential guide for HR professionals, employment lawyers and workplace investigators. Edited by Paula Hoctor and Kerryn Treadwell.

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